Saturday, March 28, 2009

Art4Barter NYC 3-14-09

I have to say that this idea to barter my art has been very rewarding.  It is not an alternative to the larger fact as artists and professionals, we all need cash. So far, my success with the Art4barter venture reads like this; I met a fine lawyer who traded his services to an electrician who in turn traded his barter and services to me in exchange for my art bartered by the lawyer. I am getting some much needed new track lights put in at my gallery/studio to replace the horrible fluorescent fixtures.  In addition, I continue to expose my work, and meet many professionals who were interested in my art that I may not have otherwise connected.  Thanks Antonio.  Here are a few pictures from the NYC exhibit. Check out the BBC interview with Antonio at the NYC show. Click on 'Art4barter BBC'; see its link listed in related links.


Bernie Wilke said...

Hi Tanya. I found you in the CIVA catalog. I really like your work, and your story. Wanted to see if you were interested in joining a small collective of Christian artists who may be moving into an empty storefront space on South Street, rent free. email me at if you may be interested and I'll give you the details. thanks.

skiz said...


It is nice to see that you are doing well. I would really like you to contact me. Please do so at your earliest convenience. It has been 2.5 years, and I think that it's time to finally settle up. My e-mail address is the same as it has always been, thepolishpistol AT gmail DOT com.

-Chris Czyzewicz